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Walk through the Galerie XII space in 3D

Museum Panorama Mesdag / Scarlett Hooft Graafland, Mesmerizing
Museum Panorama Mesdag (The Hague, Netherlands) is proud to present the exhibition "Scarlett Hooft Graafland. Mesmerizing" - a journey through the enchanting photographic work of this artist.
Hooft Graafland (1973) photographs magical landscapes in the most remote regions of the world. From Iceland to Madagascar and from Bolivia to Turkey, she stages colourful and often enigmatic performances and installations. The overview exhibition shows many highlights from her oeuvre as well as recent work.
Just as Hendrik Willem Mesdag (1831-1915) did with his Panorama of Scheveningen, Scarlett Hooft Graafland knows how to create a new world with each image. Nothing is what it seems, illusion and reality melt together. With humour and amazement, she touches on current topics such as climate change, inequality or the position of women.
The exhibition Scarlett Hooft Graafland. Mesmerizing can be seen at Museum Panorama Mesdag until 31 August 2025.

Teatralità, Patrizia Mussa / Instituto Italiano de Cultura
This exhibition curated by Antonio Galbi was shown at Palazzo Reale in Milano and Villa Zito di Palermo, and is now on view at the Paris at the Instituto Italiano de Cultura, located in the spectacular XVIIIth century Hotel de Galifet. To April 4.

Stamford Museum I Jeremiah Chechik: EXPLORER
Chechik, artist, film director and photographer, is obsessed with the porous boundary between fact and fiction. The subtly investigative images he creates explore our "post truth" reality, melding 21st century advanced digital design with traditional printing on copper or glass. The exhibition includes some sixty prints.

Patty Carroll x Roche Bobois
The exhibition of Patty Carroll at Roche Bobois (Avenue du Maine, Paris 14e) is running until spring 2025. A selection of works exhibited alongside the furniture in the showroom. Patty Carroll's new book is now available in our Santa Monica gallery.

Chaumont-sur-Loire : Sophie Zénon, l'Herbe aux yeux bleus
Le Centre d'art et de nature de Chaumont-sur-Loire accueillera dès le 29 mars sa nouvelle saison d'art. Dans l'Asinerie, Sophie Zénon présentera une sélection d'œuvres de sa série L'Herbe aux yeux bleus.
À ses côtés, les artistes Alquin, Miguel Chevalier, Stéphane Erouane Dumas, Daniel Firman, G&K, Yann Lacroix, Vincent Laval, Olivier Leroi, Anne & Patrick Poirier, Carole Solvay, Claire Trotignon et Fabienne Verdier.

Busan, Corea / Paolo Ventura, A tale of two cities
The GoEun Museum of Photography in Busan, Korea, presents A Tale of Two Cities, a joint exhibition by Düsseldorf-based photographer Josef Schulz and Italian photographer Paolo Ventura. The exhibition, which addresses the common theme of “city and architecture” from different angles, features approximately 40 photographs that combine digital technology and painting techniques, as well as two video works. From February 28 to August 25.

Lianzhou / Mona Kuhn, Kings Road
Les œuvres de la série Kings Road, par Mona Kuhn, sont présentées au Lianzhou Museum of Photographyen, en Chine, pour la première fois, dans le cadre du festival de photographieElles côtoient les oeuvres d'artistes japonais tels que Dado Moriyama, Sugimoto Hiroshi, Henry Leutweyler ou Carlos Idun-Tawiah. Jusqu'au 19 décembre.

Saint Denis : Sophie Zénon, In Case We Die
Sophie Zénon's work revolves around recurring themes of memory, history, loss and the passage of time. Between 2008 and 2011, she devoted several sections to the representation of the dead body, in a cycle entitled “In Case We Die”. Her poetic, enigmatic universe conjures up a baroque aesthetic associated with the Vanitas and other dances of death. This theatricality draws a permeable boundary between two worlds where life and death interpenetrate on a daily basis, a boundary that the artist captures through a delicate treatment of light and color, through the use of controlled blur and movement, created by the energy of her own body.
On view at the Musée d'Art et d'histoire Paul Eluard in Saint-Denis until March 17, 2025.