克里斯托夫·托马斯 (Christopher Thomas)

  • 代表作品


    “This series is about feelings, sad ones, happy ones and everything in between. It is about joy and fear, it is melancholic and warm, it is about gain and loss, it is about the beginning and the end of life and the whole time in between.” – Christopher Thomas

    Passion, 2010

    From a vow made in 1633, every ten years, the inhabitants of Oberammergau, a small town in Bavaria, put on a show recounting the sufferings, the death and the resurrection of Jesus.

    In 2010, Christopher Thomas decided to photograph these scenes of the Passion. He focused on the expression of the deepest human feelings, hope, suffering, astonishment, horror, joy. The photographs do not represent overall scenes. They are portraits of individuals, those amateurs who embody the protagonists of history: merchants, soldiers, the apostles, Mary, Jesus.
    The shots took place during the rehearsals. The choice of colors - subtle shades of brown, gray, on dark backgrounds, reinforces the expressive power of the images.
    The images refer to the works of great European painters like Holbein the Elder, Caravaggio, Zurbaran, Rembrandt ...

    Lost in L.A., 2015-2017

    《孤独的威尼斯》(Venice in solitude, 2012)

    这个往日喧闹的城市,在摄影师的镜头下十分寂静、空无一人。摄影师花了1年的时间,拍摄记录了威尼斯著名的大运河(Grand Canal),里亚托桥(Rialto Bridge),圣马可波罗广场(Piazza San Marco)及其他威尼斯著名的景点。托马斯镜头下的黑白影像展示了一个梦境般的威尼斯。

    《纽约沉睡》(New York Sleeps, 2001)

    Petra Giloy-Hirtz,一位自由职业作家和编辑,在《New York Sleeps》的前言中写道:“Christopher Thomas的作品具有经典的风格。似乎他自己站在时间之外,当黑夜和白天交替的时候,他能够发现城市的本质,追寻永恒的意义。”
    Ulrich Pohlmann,德国慕尼黑摄影博物馆(Fotomuseum München)的馆长,评价道:“不像一般的城市街头摄影师,他们拿着35mm的镜头,随时可以移动到下一个拍摄点。Christopher Thomas摄影的曝光时间长,必须在一个地点拍摄很久,所以必须谨慎地选择拍摄地点和角度。”

    《巴黎,光之城》(Paris,City of Lights)

    The complete series of 100 images can be seen in the book "Paris City of Lights", Prestel Editions, 2014.

  • 人物生平


    德国 , 1961

    摄影师克里斯托夫·托马斯1961年出生自慕尼黑市,毕业于巴伐利亚州立摄影教学学院,现在是一名国际性知名广告摄影师。他曾经为许多媒体做摄影新闻工作,例如Geo媒体公司,德国Stern新闻公司, 德国Süddeutsche Zeitung杂志社, Merian杂志, 和许多其他杂志,并获得许多国际大奖。在2005年,他将镜头对准了城市慕尼黑,创作了作品系列《慕尼黑挽歌》(Münchner Elegien)。作品之后展出于慕尼黑摄影博物馆并由Schirmer / Mosel出版公司出版摄影集。这系列作品让Christopher Thomas的摄影艺术成就得到认可。之后,摄影师又在纽约创作了一系列宝丽莱摄影艺术作品——《纽约沉睡》(New York Sleeps)。这些作品在全世界范围内进行展览:德国慕尼黑伯恩海姆艺术摄影展览馆(Bernheimer Fine Art Photography)、纽约Steven Kasher画廊(Steven Kasher Gallery),比利时安特卫普Fifty One艺术摄影展览馆,和伦敦The Wapping Project展览馆。《New York Sleeps: Photographs by Christopher Thomas》,Christopher Thomas的纽约城市摄影集,于2009年由Prestel出版社联合出版(2011第三次印刷),出版后不久荣获德国摄影书籍大奖(Deutscher Fotobuchpreis)。2010年,Christopher Thomas在德国Oberammergau小镇观看了Passion话剧的彩排表演,创作了《Passion》系列作品。(Passion话剧为为Oberammergau小镇的传统表演,从1634年第一次开始演出,每十年举办一次,内容主要为耶稣在耶路撒冷的旅行和耶稣被钉死在十字架的故事)在2011年,Passion系列获得了德国艺术指导俱乐部摄影单元(Art Director Club Deutschland)最高奖项。2011年10月到2012年4月期间,这个作品系列在慕尼黑Bayerisches国家博物馆大礼堂进行展览。在2012年2月,Christopher Thomas最新的作品选集《Christopher Thomas:Venice in Solitude.》也由Prestel出版社出版。


    《巴黎,光之城》(Paris City of Light), Steven Kasher Gallery, 纽约
    《巴黎,光之城》(Paris City of Light), Bernheimer Fine Art Photography, 慕尼黑
    《城市肖像》(Portraits de villes): 慕尼黑, 纽约, 威尼斯, 巴黎, Bernheimer 艺术博物馆, 卢塞恩
    150 Years Bernheimer (group exhibition), Bernheimer Fine Old Masters and Bernheimer Fine Art Photography, 慕尼黑
    Passion, Museum Kirche zum Heiligen Kreuz, 匈牙利齐陶(zitta)

    seelenblicke, KunstKulturKirche, 德国法兰克福
    New York Sleeps, Photolux 艺术节, 意大利卢卡(Lucca)
    90 cans, CU-1 Gallery画廊, 美国迈阿密
    Leitzachtal 2012, Tannerhof, Bayrischzell
    City Portraits, Elipsis Gallery, 土耳其伊斯坦布尔
    Burnt Women, Bernheimer Fine Art Photography
    Passion Inri, Sankt Rochus Church,德国杜塞尔多夫

    《孤独的威尼斯》(Venice, in Solitude), Hamiltons Gallery画廊, 英国伦敦
    《孤独的威尼斯》(Venice, in Solitude), Bernheimer Fine Art Photography, 德国慕尼黑
    《孤独的威尼斯》(Venice, in Solitude), Fifty One Fine Art Photography, 比利时安特卫普
    Passion, Galerie Photo 12画廊, 巴黎
    《纽约沉睡》(New York Sleeps), Helsinki Photography Biennial
    《纽约沉睡》(New York Sleeps), Museum im Kleihues-Bau, Stuttgart-Kornwestheim
    《孤独的威尼斯》(Venice, in Solitude), Steven Kasher Gallery, 美国纽约
    Passion, Bayerisches Nationalmuseum, 德国慕尼黑
    《纽约沉睡》(New York Sleeps), The Wapping Project Bankside, 英国伦敦

    《纽约沉睡》(New York Sleeps), Fifty One Fine Art Photography, Antwerpen
    Munich . New York . Photographs

    Bernheimer Fine Art Photography, Schloss Fuschl, Fuschl, Austria
    New York Sleeps . Photographs by Christopher Thomas,
    Bernheimer Fine Art Photography, Munich

    Christopher Thomas . New York Sleeps, Steven Kasher Gallery, New York
    Munich inspires, Exhibition for the 850th city anniversary,
    Literaturhaus München, Munich

    Places beyond Turbulence . Photographs by Olaf Otto Becker and
    Christopher Thomas, Credit Suisse AG, Munich

    Munich Elegies . Photographs by Christopher Thomas, Fotomuseum München
    Christopher Thomas . Munich Elegies. Photographs from 1999–2005

    Schirmer/Mosel Showroom, Munich


    2014 Paris, City of Lights, Prestel Publishing
    2012 Venice in Solitude, Prestel Publishing
    2010 Passion, Prestel Publishing
    2009 New York Sleeps, Prestel Publishing
    2005 Münchner Elegien, Schirmer Mosel Publishing


    German Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag)
    SOR Collection
    Credit Suisse
    Elton John Collection
    Francois Pinault Collection
    Nicola Erni Collection
    Bayerisches Nationalmuseum (Bavarian National Museum)
    Fotomuseum München ( Museum for photography Munich)
    Agnelli Collection


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  • 参考资料


    2017 | Lost in L.A.
    Edited and with a preface by Ira Stehmann. Prestel Publishing: Munich London New York, 2017. 144 pages Hardcover Book, 30 x 28 cm

    2015 | Engadin
    Edited and with a preface by Ira Stehmann. 128 pages with 56 illustrations First edition with 500 copies. Hardcover book, 25 x 32 cm

    2014 | Paris, City of Lights
    Edited by Ira Stehmann. With a preface by Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, an essay by Ira Stehmann and a postface by Christopher Thomas. Prestel Publishing: Munich London New York, 2014. 160 pages with 80 b/w illustrations Hardcover Book, 30 x 28 cm

    2012 | Venice in Solitude
    Photographs by Christopher Thomas With poems by Albert Ostermaier. Edited by Ira Stehmann. Prestel Verlag: München London New York, 2012. 160 pages with 80 s/w illustrations

    2010 | Passion
    Edited by Petra Giloy-Hirtz and Ira Stehmann. With texts by Christian Stückl, Ludwig Mödl, Petra Giloy-Hirtz and Christopher Thomas. Prestel Publishing: Munich London New York, 2010. 128 pages with 56 colour illustrations Hardcover, 28 x 37,5 cm

    2009 | New York Sleeps
    Edited by Petra Giloy-Hirtz and Ira Stehmann. With texts by Ulrich Pohlmann and Bob Shamis. Prestel Publishing: Munich London New York, 2009. 144 pages with 70 b/w illustrations Hardcover, 30 x 28 cm