Lisa Gizara

  • 代表作品


  • 人物生平


    USA ,

    Her inspiration started when her family moved from Illinois to their new home in Westford. At 13, she recalls laying in a field, looking at the sky, and immediately started seeing images being formed by the clouds.

    Gizara’s parents supported their daughter through outdoor painting lessons and introducing her to photography.

    During her time at Westford Academy, Gizara became acquainted with her late art teacher Charles MacGregor, who taught Gizara effective image composition for her pieces. She credits McGregor for teaching her high-level composition, where he channeled her “wild” side into her work.

    After graduating from Westford Academy in 1978, Gizara attended the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in 1982.

    Gizara’s studio was, and always has been, a safe haven for her. Despite this, she believes art comes from inspiration.

    “You don’t need a studio to be an artist, she said.”


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