The Blow - The Rider
"The Blow - The Rider "
from Saturday, September 10, 2022 to Friday, November 25, 2022
Galerie XII Los Angeles
Galerie XII Los Angeles is pleased to host the new exhibition of Norwegian artist Anja
Niemi. The exhibition presents her most recent bodies of work :
The Blow:
At first glance, The BLOW shows an unaccompanied woman, dressed in black and with a face that is always turned, driving to a solitary house in the desert. Here she trades her clothes for that of a boxer. The boxing paraphernalia builds upon the idea that each photograph is a site of mental training and introspective battle.
In The RIDER, Anja Niemi expresses her struggle in the form of a rider and her horse. The trust and the will to understand each other are essential to their mutual bond. Together they are on an openended journey that requires perseverance and the suspension of fear. -